“He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures”

In this mornings prayers, this verse really caught my attention unlike it has ever done so before.  In a recent conversation with a close friend about the spiritual life,  she had asked me how things were going. I was quick to say that lately, I have struggled.  As we talked, I began to see how much I had been unwilling to rely on God.  I know that I can easily slip into a pattern by which everything I do, I do unilaterally; without God.  Sometimes, even in the midst of doing what seems to be all the “right” things, I still slip.  It takes me quite some time to recognize where I have gone;  trekking through the wilderness on my own. It does not have to be that way!  When I finally wake up, I take great comfort in knowing that it is first the recognition and then the acceptance on my part that I have been doing it alone.  In that acceptance and asking in humility,  I am given the richness of God’s love; through His word received in Scripture, in conversation with friends and in encounters with others.  If I ask, He first, makes me  lie down in green pastures and then I am nourished.

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